What is a Deco-Twister?

What in the world is a Deco-Twister?
I am a Deco-Twister who is fortunate enough to do cool balloons not only here in St. Louis, but also all over the country!

STL Balloon Decorations
What is a Deco-Twister you ask? Well, that means I have a solid background as a Balloon Twister before becoming a Balloon Decorator. To learn more about the differences between the two- check out my blog Twister or Decorator? A traditional Balloon Decorator will make your classic Balloon Arches and Columns… While a Deco-Twister could make a 40ft dragon out of balloons. (Yes, my favorite project)

Custom Decor – Deco-Twister
Melding the techniques of both worlds, I can create ANYTHING I want out of Balloons. When I learned that I could create, on large scale, the animals/sculptures I had been twisting together for years- OMG what!!!!????
That sparked a fire in me! I want to make large cool things out of balloons, all the time! I specialize in custom balloons. With my twisting background I have this amazing arsenal of techniques that I can use.

Hanging out with the “coolest” of friends, Flavia, and my Balloon Snowmen!
Also, getting to freelance and work with trendsetters in our industry has made me exponentially better. I am beyond grateful that these Balloon ROCK STARS contract me out, pay to fly me across the country, I get to work on amazing balloon builds, and send me home with a check! That’s insane! I’m so truly grateful! Eeeeeek!
Thank you, Thank you, thank you to all of those who’ve had me out!!!! I have grown so much being parts of your team! I adore Flavia with Partistry, we got our CBAs together in 2019. Partistry creates the coolest projects and I am so grateful I get to be a part of her team on some of them! She is pictured above with me and the Snowmen at one of her many warehouses she works with. The dragon I made above was part of a larger GOT install that I was lucky enough to be a part of! That was one of her contracts, and I’ll share more of that install later.

Custom Made Balloon Rings
You can check out more of my work at my Custom Decor Gallery
Need your own custom Balloons? Order now!